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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Send Steve S. Back to College

Here is Steve's Money Request: "My name is Steve S. and i'm a college student looking to make it back to school for my sophomore year. Unfortunately, I found myself in a huge pickle upon returning back home. My parents currently rent an apartment and are trying really hard to pay all their bills, debts, and loans, and still help me go to school in the fall. I just got a job, but my school needs the money by August 15th, and I am only just starting training next week. The worst part about this job is that it only pays $8(an hour), and I can't get a second job in my town because nobody wants to hire a temporary student worker this late in the summer, who will go back in a month. The school wants a $500 deposit, but i'm afraid I wont be able to come up with enough money before then to pay it off. My financial aid is nonexistent due to my family's terrible credit. I just want to get the education I worked hard through highschool to get to. If anyone out there is kind enough to help me, even $50 will be something. Although not enough to really do much, I'll feel very grateful for the help. And i'll write you a personal letter of thanks. I've already ruled out being a male prostitute, and I can't sell my computer because i'll be needing it for school. :( If anyone generous that maybe even has the slightest idea of what I'm going through in life right now can help, Please help me. My paypal email is the same as this. thatcaliboy64@hotmail.com and i also have a widget to ask for any generous donations. Any are appreciated.

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