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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Help your neighbor now: cocogurl123@gmail.com "Hello all, As you well know, there is great need and the devastation is overwhelming. There are towns that have literally been wiped off the map and others that have remained closed because they can not get the help they need due to roads that are impassable. By the grace of God my family and I are survivors. My family and I are writing to ask for your generous assistance with getting our life back on track, our life has been turned upside down because of the Tornado that hit the Midwest on Friday. We've lost everything, the only things we have is the clothes on our backs. I've contacted the United Way, but no help. I called the Red Cross they could only offer food/shelter for the time being. Everywhere I've gone, everybody is telling me there're insufficient funds. They don't have funds. There is nothing they can do. Whatever amount you are able to donate would be greatly, greatly appreciated. Please find it in your heart to donate. God Bless"

Help Her with Whatever You Can

Claira wrote the following: "As my asthma is getting worse we would like to move out of the city. My husband & I both work full-time but only get minimum wage and after paying rent & bills there's very little money left over. We have managed to save enough for a deposit on a flat & the first month's rent but still need money for furniture & moving expenses. We would appreciate any money that anyone can spare - every donation, no matter how small, will help us get to our target that bit quicker. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I went to my paypal account & under 'email' was this: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=53HSKA8M7PC56&lc=GB&item_name=Fresh%20Air¤cy_code=GBP&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted" Claira is registered with Paypal. She asks that you use her email to send her any donations (claira@hadleighhotel.com)?

Help This BegPost User Pay His Debt

Help me and my family needs desperately I desperately need help to further and keep survival with my wife and three children. I lost my job and my properties towards my loans and unable to recover from my debts. It is a debt around $ 80,000 that cripples me and prevents me from having a normal life. Unfortunately I have been given no lucky breaks in life and have worked for everything. But I think no future. I am tired of being worried, stressed, unable to sleep, and being depressed. I am struggling hard to feed my family and not able to come out of my debt. Please pay off my debt. I hate asking for help, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Please , Please help me start my life all over again. I will pay it forward when we are on our feet. Thank you for reading and your contributions to my life. God is great all the time. My best regards