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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mother and Daughter are in desperate needs of your assistance

Help Needed for this lady and her daughter:
"Please God be our miracle. I am writing this with my heart and soul ripped wide open. There is no way to explain how it feels to have your only child crying and screaming in a full panic attack saying she does not need to live and that there is no hope for us to ever have a chance at having peace and happiness. I will try to explain our situation, but for you to really know our story I would have to write a book. You see at 36 God gave me the greatest gift, my daughter. From the day of her birth, her father became verbally abusive to her and myself. It has just gotten worse and worse for 14 years. He has called her every four letter word every imagined. He has totally destroyed the most loving and caring child I have ever known. He refuses to work more than a few months a year and while I was working we were able to survive. My daughter has disabilities that have only been made worse by the situation we are in. When my mother died, my daughter was 8 and I had to leave my job I had worked at for 15 years, because there was no one else to care for her. Then in August 2008, I took my daughter and moved in with my elderly father. We finally felt happy and yet the man that said he hated us so would not leave us alone. Then on April 1, 2009, our world crumbled. While driving in morning rush hour, I suffered a stroke and somehow with the help of the angels made it to a parking lot. I was rushed to the ER. My daughter came home to find her grandfather dead in the bed and me no where to be found. The neighbor called the hospitals and found me. You can not imagine what my child went through that day, I still cannot. After they brought me back from death, I battled to survive from my organs failing and was in the hospital for 35 days. Thus making it so the man we tried to escape was thrown right back in our lives. I have been struggling to get back to normal, but I still am unable to work and I cannot get disability because I can not afford the doctors. He has only gotten worse with the abuse since he thinks we have no other choice. He has not worked since February and I am down to my last $10 and every bill is 2 months late. I have tried every organization and program I know of and I just cannot get any help. I may not be able to work out of the home, but I am very artistic and want to start a refurbishing art business and sell all the wonders collected in my parents garage on eBay, but I need money to buy supplies and pay the bills until they take off. I want him gone. My daughter goes to school now online, so I desperately need to keep all the utilities on. We live in my parents house that they left me, it has holes in the floors and electric to only one half, but it is all we have and I still owe the bank $4700 on it. Please help me for once give my daughter a chance at a happy life, one where we can go on to be successful and help other people who need help with no where to turn. Anything anyone can give will be the most wonderful thing and you will surely be blessed. My Paypal email address is dmbb61218@hotmail.com. Thank you for reading this and God bless you. "

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