@BegPost: Post or Tweet your best money Requests or Stories

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Donations for Funeral: Help Bury Grandpa!

This is a very sensitive and touching situation. Help this family member bury his/her grandfather

Here is the story/request:

"Hi ,Everyone , I have a problem ,my grandfather just died and I would like some help with his burial because is very hard for me and my family we have no help ,It is a big stress and burden for us ,that why I come here trying to get a little help.We cannot afford to pay for the funeral ,It a very bad moment for us .be glad if you can help us a donation for my granfather burial. The funeral we be dec. 8 2012 . If we don't come up with the money in time ,he can't be buried .please help us. thank you all

paypal helpwithadonation@hotmail.com"

Pitch your story to hundreds, thousands, and millions of eyeballs

Promote your story or money request. Place it in front of thousands or millions of eyeballs on blogs, twitter and facebook! If you have submitted a compelling story of needs and financial issues, then you want active readers to read it. You want to maximize your success rate. You want the potential readers to act upon it by making generous donations to you.

This tool helps you promote your own story or anybody else's story at any time.

Make sure you send the link of your published story to post2beg@gmail.com

In addition, make sure you provide an email address that is linked to your paypal account. Once again, the transactions will take place between the potential donor and you. We only provide a platform here.

Time-limited Cheap Story Promotions

Monday, November 12, 2012

Mother Faces Financial Hardships, Car Repossession While Daughter Gets Stranded in Another State: Please Help Now

Here is a story that will cause you to show your generosity. Do something for this mother and her family! Read her story below: "

Disabled, Please Help! I have been on Social Security Disability for two years and have been desperately trying to stay afloat, but I am going down for the count. I can't pay the rent this month, I have title loans due on both mine and my daughters cars with repo orders out on both. One car is in the shop with a 1493.00 repair bill that has to be paid before I can get it only to face having it reposessed.

I don't have prescription insurance so I can't afford my insulin which leads to lots of other problems. My disability payments disqualify me from Medicaid, but are not enough to pay for rent and meds, much less anything else. I am trying to start my own business so I can work from home despite my disabilities. It has been a really rough year.

I know lots of people have monetary problems right now and I would love to be on the giving end of this request someday soon. I need to raise $20,000 to get my head above water. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.

Contact her to help her out: ellrainbow59@aol.com

Find updated details about this request 11-11-2012:

"Please help soon! I am a 53 year old woman on Disability because of multiple health problems. My car was just repo'd because of an unpaid Title loan. My daughters car that I have been using is now in the shop with a $1500 repair bill that I cannot pay. I live in a small town that does not have public transportation or taxi service. My rent is now 12 days past due. Please help me. I need $2500 to pay repair bill and rent. Need $5700 to pay title loan. Lots of small contributions will wiork as well as one big one. Payment can even be sent directly to creditors. I am not trying to pocket the money. Please respond only if you are sincere, I have already had 4 scammers promise me the world and then ask me for money I don't have. Scammers don't waste your time because as I said, "I don't have ANY money to send to you." Thank you."

11-12-2012 Updates:

"My car has now been repossessed and my daughter is stranded in another state,please help!!!!"

Friday, November 2, 2012

Beg Posts are Monitored and Moderated by Live Human Editors

The first thing you want to do is to worry about writing a good story. In other words, make sure you storify your needs by documenting them very well. Write a true and compelling story that shows the situation you are going through. Your money request of money beg will always be FREE. It will be up to you if you want to create buzz around that story so it can reach the maximum number of readers possible. Then you can consider our story features found on the blog. Do not be deterred by donation request and fees attached to the features related to buzzfeed!!!

The second thing is to make sure you have a Paypal account where you can receive any donations that somebody may want to give to you. You can also provide your email address that is connected to your paypal account. We serve as a platform where your stories can be posted so readers and viewers can act upon them. If there is any transaction or if anybody wants to make a donation to you, however small or large it can be, it will happen between you and that individual or organization. We are not part of the transaction. We just wish you much success on this free story-posting platform!

We monitor and moderate all submissions. Only the best submissions will be posted on our blogs and tweeted to our readers. Please take your time to compose a decent story to submit to us.

Remember that your submissions of stories will always be free. Posting them is also free. Now if you want to take advantage of other features of our blogs to pitch, feature or buzzfeed your stories, you can also do so. Not only are we going to post them for free, but we will also tweet them to millions when you take advantage of our embedded paid features.

The success you will know will depend on whether your stories connect with readers or potential benefactors. That's why we encourage you to write a heartwarming story describing your situation and needs.

Once again, we will have started receiving a lot of submissions for the holiday season. We also receive a lot of requests when there is a major natural disaster. Bear in mind that we will get to your stories in time. Once submitted, they are going to be reviewed and moderated. Our site's editors will decide whether to publish them or not. When in doubt, just submit your story for posting on our blogs! In some rare cases, we may ask you to engage in a rewrite!

Good luck cyberbegging! Internet begging is real. Social begging has been around for a long time. There is nothing bad about asking for help when you are truly in need!

Disabled, Please Help Now!

Disabled, Please Help! I have been on Social Security Disability for two years and have been desperately trying to stay afloat, but I am going down for the count. I can't pay the rent this month, I have title loans due on both mine and my daughters cars with repo orders out on both. One car is in the shop with a 1493.00 repair bill that has to be paid before I can get it only to face having it reposessed.

I don't have prescription insurance so I can't afford my insulin which leads to lots of other problems. My disability payments disqualify me from Medicaid, but are not enough to pay for rent and meds, much less anything else. I am trying to start my own business so I can work from home despite my disabilities. It has been a really rough year.

I know lots of people have monetary problems right now and I would love to be on the giving end of this request someday soon. I need to raise $20,000 to get my head above water. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.

Contact her to help her out: ellrainbow59@aol.com